
輝立提供的貴金屬交易包括倫敦金(紙黃金)及銀,投資者可透過 專業網上交易平台 查詢最新報價、新聞和市場資訊,並可即時下單及查詢交易詳情,從而發掘更多投資機會。另外,24小時的交易專線令你隨時隨地了解你的交易狀況,提供貼身支援服務。



  • 用作套戥和對沖
  • 高流通量及透明度
  • 靈活性強
  • 槓桿效應

Trading Channel

Client can place order through POEMS or call (852) 2277-6711

Trading Hours

 Summer sessionWinner session
Monday 06:00 ~ next day 05:00 07:00 ~ next day 06:00
Tuesday to Friday 05:00 ~ next day 05:00 06:00 ~ next day 06:00

買賣金銀的利率會跟隨市場利率轉變,因此會不時更新。利息以單利息計算,黃金及白銀合約的利率不同,而買入及沽出的利率亦不同。但現貨金/銀是以 “T+2交收日” 開始計算利息﹝注意:負數即客戶需付出利息,正數為客戶可收取利息﹞,而兩者計算方法則完全一樣

利息 (只供參考)

Last Update: 6 Nov 2018

ProductInterest Rate for Short PositionInterest Rate for Long Position
London Gold 0.5% -3.25%
London Silver 0.5% -4%

Example of calculating Interest

Example 1

London gold(Short )
Buy Price USD 940 per ounce
Closing Price USD 930 per ounce
Lot 1 lot (100 ounce )
Interest Rate 3.50%(假設利率)
Day(s) 10
Interest Calculation (USD 930  x 100 ounce x 3.5%) x 10 days / 360 days
= USD 90.41 (Received by client)

Example 2

London gold(Long)
Buy Price USD 17.00 per ounce
Closing Price USD17.30 per ounce
Lot 1 lot (5,000 ounce )
Interest Rate -5.5% (假設利率)
Day(s) 2
Interest Calculation (USD 17.3  x 5,000 ounce x 5.5%) x 2days / 360  days
= USD 26.43 (Paid by client)

Order Placing:

Channel (1) Online bullion platform; or (2) call (852) 2277 6711.

Initial Margin and Maintenance margin:

客戶戶口內必須存有足夠之基本保證金以作開立合約, 而其後之現金結餘亦必須最少達到所有未平倉合約之維持保證金水準。

進行新單交易時如遇保証金不足: 1). 電腦會自動地拒絕成交; 2). 如電話市價盤, 本公司會按戶口餘下可用有效保証金盡量完成交易。

追補按金 (Margin Call):

貴金屬部門每天會以 5:00AM (冬令 6:00AM) 收市時之收市價去計算, 如客戶的戶口結餘低於維持保証金, 盤房交易員會後發出 Margin call(追加保証金通知/補倉指令)。 將透過電話、電郵或流動電話短訊(如適用)等途徑要求客戶補倉至回復初始保証金水平。 客戶需於發出補倉指令後在指定時限內

  1. 存入所需之補倉金額;或
  2. 由輝立集團旗下之其他戶口轉賬所需補倉金額至交易戶口;或
  3. 自行平倉,否則本公司會把其倉位強行平倉。


在市況大幅波動下, 客戶請務必留意本身的持倉, 本公司並無責任向貴客戶發出追繳保証金通知, 而當戶口結餘觸及“止損點”水平時, 客戶可能會被強行平倉。

請注意, 當戶口結餘觸及“止損點”時, 因市況波動不保證能在這個水平成功地止損, 觸及止損點而執行的買賣價位有機會能令客戶戶口結餘出現負數, 而客戶需要對此負數負責。


(1)*. 如果客戶在被追補按金情況下, 而又未能在指定時間內把保證金支付, 本公司則會要求或代客戶平倉。

(2)*. 因市況波動而導致客戶之戶口結餘觸及“止損點”水平, 盤房交易員會盡能力通知客戶, 但不論能否通知客戶, 交易員也會代客戶平倉, 以減低風險; 直至戶口結餘回復至本公司規定之水平。

(3). 若客戶在週末或假期前一個交易日持倉過夜, 本公司會以收市前一小時的價位計算其客戶戶口資金結餘, 如低於假期前過夜持倉保証金要求; 本公司有權以當時買賣價位代客戶平倉, 直至該戶口結餘回復到本公司規定之水平。

(4). 若週末後或假期後的開市價已引致客戶之戶口結餘低於“止損點”或出現負數者,本公司會以開市價格為客戶平倉而不作預先通知,而客戶必須承擔所有負數。

(1)*: 本公司將以電話或電郵或短訊形式通知及確定有關合約已被平倉。

(2)*: 所有涉及平倉之戶口,本公司都會在許可情況下嘗試事前通知追加保證金,惟可因多種情況(包括市況急劇變動)而未能確保及時與客戶聯絡得上,故貴客戶務必經常留意市況,並及早準備充足現金以備急用。

Fund deposit :

Client may deposit foreign currency acceptable in Phillip for trading, however If client’s account contains negative balance of USD or the overall account balance in terms of USD is negative, client will bear an interest for that negative amount (margin excess).

Example 1

London Gold
Buy Price USD 932.00 per ounce
Bid Price USD 947.00 per ounce, sold in the same day
Lot 3 lot ( 300 ounce )
Gain / Loss (USD 947.0  - 932.0 ) x 300 Ounce
– (Handling fee x 6 lots )
= Gain USD 4,500 – (Handling fee x 6 lots )

Example 2

London Silver
Buy Price USD 13.86 per ounce
BId Price USD 13.66 per ounce,  sold in the same day
Lot 2 lot ( 10,000 ounce )
Gain / Loss (USD 13.86  - 13.66  ) x 10,000 Ounce + (Handling fee  x 4 lots )
= Loss USD 2,000 + (Handling fee  x 4 lots )


更新日期: 2012年 1月 17日

倫敦金 100 盎司/手 2,000 美元 1,400 美元 600 美元 4000 美元 0.5 美元
倫敦銀 5,000 盎司/手 6,000 美元 4,200 美元 1,800 美元 12,000 美元 0.03美元
迷你倫敦金 10 盎司/手 200 美元 140 美元 60 美元 400 美元 0.5 美元
迷你倫敦銀 500 盎司/手 600 美元 420 美元 180 美元 1,200 美元 0.03美元

You can open a Phillip Account via several ways:

(1) Visit our offices in person (Head office and branches information)

(2) Open account through online 

(3) Please click  to access our services in Japanese

Points to note:


A. Face-to-face Customers

Please visit our office in person with the following documents:

1. Account Opening Form 

   A. Phillip Securities (Hong Kong) Limited

   B. Phillip Commodities (HK) Limited

   C. Phillip Bullion Limited

   D. Phillip Capital Management (HK) Ltd.

2. W-8BEN Form

3. Copy of valid identification document (e.g. HK Permanent ID Card/ Passport)

4. Proof of residential address within 3 months after issue (e.g. utility bills, bank statements)

5. Bank account supporting documents (e.g. ATM card, Passbook, Statement or Bank Account Reference Letter)

Reminder: Please read the relevant Client Agreement and Risk Disclosure before opening Trading Account.


B. Non face-to-face Customers

You can open an account by post. Please mail the above-listed required documents to the below address: Phillip Securities (HK) Limited, 11-12/F United Centre, 95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong:

Additionally, customers must choose one of the procedures below to verify his/ her true identity:

(A) Mail a crossed personal cheque of HK$10,000.  This deposit can be used for trading.

The cheque must satisfy the following requirements:

1 Cheque made payable to the relevant Company names;

2 Must be a personal cheque drawn on a licensed bank in Hong Kong; and

3 Must bear identical name and signature as shown on Account Opening form. 

(B) Certify all mailed documents by notary public or professionals (e.g. lawyer, certified public accountant, branch manager of a bank or any other licensed registered person).
(C) Customers can visit our designated law firms in China for witness services.  Please contact our Customer Service Department for further details.

C. Company Account

Please submit the following corporate documents:

1.  Certificate of Incorporation*
2.  Business Registration Certificate*
3.  Proof of address (within 3 months)*
4.  List and identification of Directors and Authorized Signatories*
5.  List and identification of shareholders and ultimate beneficiaries*
6.  Company Search (within 6 months)/ Certificate of Incumbency (within 6 months)*
7.  Memorandum and Article of Association*
8.  Board Resolutions
9.  Letter of Guarantee with guarantor’s address proof (identification of guarantor if other than director or shareholder)
10. Latest Audited Accounts/ Certificate of Good Standing
11. W-8BEN-E Form

Item 1 to 7 should be certified by designated persons (e.g. Phillip employees, lawyer, certified public accountant, branch manager of a bank, or any other licensed person).


Unless receive special approval, we do not accept account opening applications from the following companies:

1. Licensed corporations without FATCA registration; or

2. Entities registered in the U.S.A

Note: Any transaction, movement and position traded through our companies will be reflected in client’s daily and monthly statement. Please review carefully.


Installation is not required with POEMS multi-products.

Real-time local London gold and London sliver Price Quotes and Trading





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