
Metastock EOD Data Service

PlanTimePriceAverage Monthly Charge
*Extention plan only for client who used our services over 1 year.
A Monthly HK $600 HK $600
B Half Year HK $2,100 HK $350
C 1 Year HK $3,600 HK $300
D 2 Years HK $6,480 HK $270
E 5 Years HK $10,800 HK $180
F 1 Year Extention* HK $2,880 HK $240


  1. Service fee is not refundable once the plan has started
  2. Price adjustment of data applies only on ex-dividend, rights issue, bonus shares, spin-off and merger.
  3. No prior notice will be given if any changes to plan are applied
  4. 此等數據資料只作參考,不存在有招攬任何買賣的企圖。 我們會於可能及能力的範圍之內盡力確保數據資料的完整及準確,但並不保證資料絕對準確無誤。而且我們並不保証及不會負上任何因使用此等數據資料,而直接或間接導致的任何損失的責任。

MetaStock Real-time Data Service - Only for MetaStock® 11 or previous version

PlanService DescriptionFee (Monthly)
A Hong Kong Stock HK $600
B HK Futures & Index Options HK $600
C Hong Kong Stock & HK Futures & Index Options HK $800
D Forex + Bullion HK $300

MetaStock Real-time (Commission Plan) - Only for MetaStock® 11 or previous version

PlanService DescriptionFee (Monthly)Commission HK1,200 or above
*HKEX real-time data charges
A Hong Kong Stock HK $600 HK $200*
B HK Futures & Index Options HK $600 Free
C Hong Kong Stock & HK Futures & Index Options HK $800 HK $200*
PlanService DescriptionFee (Monthly)One transaction above
D Forex + Bullion HK $300 Free
  • If any of the commission plans is selected, certain amount of services fee will be waived when your month-end trading commission of Stock and Futures is more than HK$1,200.
    However, if Hong Kong stock data is included in the chosen service plan (which is Plan A and C), HK$200 has to be collected on behalf of HK Exchange Charges will be deducted in the Stock account.
  • If the month-end trading commission is less than HK$1,200, full amount of the service charge has to be paid by deduction in the Stock account. The HKEX real-time data charges is included in the monthly data service charge (For Plan A and C).


  1. Service fee is not refundable once the plan has started
  2. Above service plans include
    1. Historical EOD data is included for downloading (from 1993 to present)
    2. EOD data
  3. Should you wish to terminate your subscription, please kindly fill in the "Service Suspension" form and send the original copy to Room D1, 11/F United Centre,95 Queensway, Hong Kong on or before the last working day of each month. Otherwise, service will be automatically renewed and charges will be deducted in the Stock account. Additional interest may therefore be collected.
    Price adjustment of data applies only on ex-dividends, rights issue, bonus shares, spin-off and merger.
  4. Either the client use the service or not, free service cannot be accumulated.
  5. Service fee has to be collected if your month-end trading commission is less than HK$1,200.
  6. No prior notice will be given if any changes to plan are applied

Payment Method

Payment can be paid:
  1. EOD data: by cash in person or deposit to
    Standard Chartered Bank Account "447-0-052-684-9" : Cyberquote (HK) Ltd
    and fax the deposit slip with personal information to (852)2277-6008. Please keep the deposit slip for record.

Above charges are for reference only, there are subject to change without prior notice.

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