Phillip Capital Management (HK) Ltd. is a subsidiary of Phillip Securities (HK) Ltd. At Phillip Capital Management, we use a disciplined consultative process to create customized, actively managed portfolios that help you meet your individual investment objectives while at the same time managing your risks. Our process is centered on strategic asset allocation to optimize the combination of stocks in your account to provide growth and income at a level of risk that you feel comfortable with.
As a complement to our own well-respected money management abilities, our investment management committees are committed to provide the highest level of service and expertise to you and your future generations.We would monitor and continuously review your investment portfolio and long-term investment strategy on a daily basis to anticipate and adjust to market trends, economic conditions and your changing needs; ultimately aiming to help you meet your financial goals at every stage of your life.
Account Opening Hotline (852) 2277 6698
Multi-Manager Multi-Theme
At Phillip Capital Management, you can choose from a range of fund managers to manage your investment portfolio. They specialize in different kinds of investment area with unique investment strategies. You can choose the one who best fits your investment objectives and will take care of your wealth.
Tailor-made Asset Allocation and Portfolio
Phillip Fund Managers will first evaluate your background, risk exposure, and expectations of returns and then design a customized investment strategy and allocation to achieve your investment objectives. The portfolio would be revised periodically.
Strong Backup
The Phillip Research Team provides a strong support for fund managers in their decision-making. The Team would continuously review the market, conduct extensive investment analysis, visit listed companies and meet their management in order to have a full understanding of their business operation and management philosophy before making any investment decisions.
Financial integrity is very important to Phillip. The securities bought or deposited by you will not be pledged under any third party, including banks and financial companies. In addition, we do not make unnecessary investments and high-risk investments. Your interest is our very first consideration.
Also, our Investment Management Committee will monitor all the trading activities and the portfolio’s performance, aiming to eliminate any unnecessary trading activities and risks.
High Degree of Transparency
You will be well informed of your portfolio status by receiving daily & monthly statements with detailed transaction records.
Mr.Louis Wong
Fund Manager
Our Investment Philosophy
- Prevent high-risk investment
- Prevent unnecessary trade
- Exploit-undervalued companies
- Interview with listed companies with potential to growth
- Comply with professional conducts
- 對個別上市公司及大市進行研究分析
- 與上市公司管理層見面
- 對上市公司的營運地點及廠房進行實地考察
- 分析全球經濟及金融數據及資料
- 舉辦講座、課程及研究會
- 籌備研究部告及金融經濟學書刊
- 林華西先生
- 林先生現為輝立証券集團董事總經理。他從事於金融行業已有三十多年,也曾於銀行工作。他於1988年加入輝立資本(新加坡總公司),並於1993被委派到香港工作。他畢業於英國City University,並取得「控制儀器及系統工程系」一級榮譽理學士學位;其後,於英國倫敦大學繼續深造,並取得管理科學碩士學位。
- 黃瑋傑先生
- 黃先生現為輝立証券(香港)有限公司及輝立資本管理(香港)有限公司之董事,負責資本管理及證券研究。他於多份香港財經報章雜誌撰寫專欄及在電台主持財經節目。他畢業於香港大學,在金融行業服務已超過二十多年。他曾連續三年榮膺香港電台普通話節目《e線金融網》『最佳財經專家』,並曾連續七年獲選為壹周刊『選股專家』之一。
- 林灝柱先生
- 林先生現為輝立証券(香港)有限公司之負責人員。他持有工商管理系學士學位,其後更獲得工商管理系碩士以及資訊科技管理系雙碩士學位。他涉足於金融行業超過二十年,並具有十五年以上行政管理經驗。
Remark: The above service is provided by Phillip Capital Management (HK) Ltd. Phillip Capital Management (HK) Ltd is a licensed corporation under Securities and Futures Commission.